Tuesday, April 27, 2010

runny noses

my nose. is runny. i think i won't use the shift button to capitalize the right words today. because i don't feel like it. i have to study a bunch for 2 quizes at the same time today. i have to work 8 & a half hours tomorrow because i'm nice. i have to work from 10:30 to 4:30 friday because i'm nice and i feel bad. but i don't have to work saturday! but i do have to study a thousand times. and sunday. seriously, this weekend is dedicated to my big ol' book and my study group. no jacob, no friends, no family, no toilet. nothing! i feel so weird blogging at school nowadays. i feel like people are making fun of me for blogging and not doing any work. or something. haha. whatevs. i cannooooot wait until wednesday, when i am done with school! for the most part. success 101 can suck my dick. i am not doing any assignments until tuesday. so i have to catch up like 10 assignments. help. everyone at work thinks i'm whiny. i really don't give a damn, i honestly hate everyone there. varie is awesome/my grandma, and heather and deanna and angela and lauren are people i like. and traci. and yaros and eleane. but of course, only lauren would know what i'm talking about because she knows those people too. summer is almost here i can feel it. tis the season to be lazy as fuck, but exercise, hang out with frans and boyfran, and work. and go camping and to the beach! also, all of my ideas are run together, i'm not putting any spaces in between. i've had no money for like the past week & a half & it's been awful. but no fast foodie, so that's good. i'm also starting my diet & exercising again tuesday, because i have no more anatomy to rule my life anymore. i can actually function properly again. but i miss my friends, & i want to go out to dinner in pretty dresses & pretend it's my birthday so waiters can sing to me. & i don't want that freaky girl there, because i'm there now :p


Lauren said...

haha, when you say "summers almost here" i thought you were talking about the summer at work and i was like....oh god...

Renata! said...

ohmygod. i have to tell you so bad.
but not on here, cause it's gross :p

Lauren said...

message me of something on myspace/facebook