Tuesday, February 24, 2009


I'm sooo so so so so sick. & my choir concert is today. I can barely speak without sounding like a complete caveman. I love singing. & unlike Andrea, I actually look forward to chrous class to SING.
I drank some water this morning & practiced. I hit my high notes. & that's good enough for me :D
I'm still extremely sick though.

Monday, February 23, 2009

Sweet weekend (:

Friday, Emma, Britni, Andrea, Jacob, hatboy & Lauren came over. God, I miss her so much. We hung out at my house, had photo ops, the boys played guitar, me & hatboy toked, & ate all of the peanut butter & jelly sandwiches of the world. Hatboy is an alcoholic. Just to let you know. Haha ;p Then we went to the movie theater in Morganton to see Coraline in 3-D! It was soooo good. I love Tim Burton movies. Emma, Britni, Lauren, & me, put the arm rests up & all laid down :D
We then went to McDonald's, where Lauren was picked up, & hatboy had to go to work. The rest came to my house. Emma dropped dead on my bed, instantly, while the rest of us played Texas Hold 'Em, SPEED!, & Bullshit. The next morning, Emma left early ): Jacob came over & we made a big breakfast. Andi & Britni left, & Jacob & I went to his house, to meet his dad. In which, he wasn't there till later. But we had fun & watched movies. I was really sick that night. Andrea got me sick, or so I believe D:
I slept most of Sunday. I cried like a baby watching Diary of a Mad Black Woman. & I watched Tim & Eric, which is always great.
Ah, I have to focus on school work, because I suck. Bye.

Friday, February 20, 2009

Silly me

I realized that I didn't blog about Valentine's day!
Well, it was perfect. Jacob came over really early, & continued sleeping on the couch, while I made breakfast for everyone. Then we watched a movie, which he slept through (-___-)
Then, we made each other's sandwhich, & packed it in a picnic basket. Cutest picnic ever. & Buddy, the used-to-be-stray-dog-that-Jacob-took-home joined us :D
We ate, & then laid down on the blanket & cloud-watched. So, one thing on the bucket list, checked off ;D

I got him chocolate & a teddy bear, so Kevin won't be lonely in the car, hahah. He got me a huuuge monkey that I cuddle with every night.

Blah, he makes me so happyyy (:
& we were two months yesterday.
I'm looking forward to maaaany more<3

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Alabama is hardcore

at high school basketball games. Have you seen the news? Ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

This war is getting harder to fight by myself

Good title, eh? I actually have nothing important to say. Or anything at all. I'm in first period, & I have to do a million pointless power points in this big book of stupid computer things, while listening to Senses Fail & Placebo. Help. I have to pee. My second period teacher isn't in today, so I guess I don't have to go at all. In the mean time, I want to find a good proxy site, so that when I get on myspace I can message back to people & upload pictures & arrange my albums & shit. This morning was terrible. My mom gave me the car today. Then she mentioned it was low on gas. I didn't check it though. I brought work out clothes. I'm going to go to the Granite Rec after school for about an hour to work out some. Then I have to pick up Fernando around 4 & go home. Hopefully that goes well. But anyway. This morning it was raining hard as dick. & I had just woken up & I had to take Molly out. & Roy, the runaway chocolate LAB ( ROFLLLL) that wants to do Molly, was there. & it smelled like wet dog really bad. & THE CAR WAS IN THE GARAGE. WHICH I HATE. BECAUSE I SUCK T BACKING UP. ALL THE TIME. Alright. I hate caps. Anyway, so blahhh, I don't feel like telling everyone every single detail, but I feel like I have to, so you can see my frustration. So I had to put both wet, horny dogs inside, while I backed up the car. I did, & the big, white van was there. Almost completely blocking my way of getting out. But I did it, carefully. Then the remote to close the garage was stupid, so I had to get out of the car & close the garage door & put the dogs there. In which Roy is dumb & was ON THE COUCH. That bastard. OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOH! I forgot to mention, that when I was first getting into the car, my pants ripped. Right at the crotch. So I had to go change. & put my old vans on. Because, remember, it was raining the whole time. Not to mention I got to school late, because I was watching Tim & Eric! Hahah. So I had to hurry, & watch the 10 minute show & get to school. Blahhh. I hate humidity. Good bye.

Friday, February 13, 2009



Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Oh, hatboy.


Yesterday was the best day ever. So it all started before noon. After chorus, Mitch, Andrea, & I sat outside for EVER & talked & played guitar while his pic was in my mouth. That day, we were all gonna go job hunting, because me & Britni & Emma want jobs, EXTREMELY bad. Well, I do, anyway. But not Andrea, psht. So then, I invited Mitch to come along. & he accepted (huge mistake). He didn't know what he was in for, muahaha. So the journey was started after me & Emma got out from psychology. We went to the car, & we were off to various restaurants! Until hatboy, didn't know what Bo's was! So we went in there for a little bit. Blah, blah, blah. Hilarious day. It was just funny alllll day. Then we went to Emma's house, made a sandwich, & then played & talked on her trampoline. Which was the funniest/creepiest moment of HIS life. Because we all sat in a story-telling circle & held pinkies. & started sharing 'secrets'. & I came out & told him he was hatboy ever since last semester. & about that creepy letter, hahahahahahah. Embarrasing, but he had to know! & I even put chapstick on him, hahah. Then I took everyone home & I was left alone with the BOY. To drive him to the college for another class. With no shoes. & that was it. Best day ;D

& then Andrea left her purse in my car, as well as hatboy's guitar & gum.
Which I'm eating right now. & I'm afraid I lost his pic somewhere. So, I'll have to give him one of mine. At least until I find his.

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Rita & Jordan & friends now

It's true. Rita isn't terrified of her anymore. They're getting along pretty well (:

<--- Exactly what Rita looks like.

Jordan --->

Poor Rita, I can see why she was scared, though.

Monday, February 9, 2009

Omeletes & fruit salads

This was such a good weekend (:
Friday, I went to a show with Jacob, his cousin Josh, & Britni. I haven't been to a show in seriously 7 months, or so. Whenever I used to go, I went like, every weekend. Good music & energy, terrible people. So once we arrived I was like 'aaah. I forgot how cool this place was'. Not at all. You can't even go outside to smoke anymore. It's dumb. Anyway. I used to know a shit load of people & we would always chill & catch up at shows. & I thought no one would remember me, or they just wouldn't care enough, I dunno, whatever. But then some old friends came up to say hey & it was just so good to see everyone. I really enjoyed myself. Except for this one little scene bitch, & her scene bitch friend who kept shoving her into me. Something alllmost went down. & for once, I was in the mood to lay a smack down, hahah. The music was really good. Even the first band that played, that no one was there to support or ANYTHING, just because they weren't 'hardcore enough'. I was at the very front with Britni, we got to see the bands that we wanted to. I'm glad Jacob got to dance, even though he almost passed out a million times. I'm glad Britni got to be at the very front for Die As One, who hasn't played a show in forever. AND we got hugs from the lead singer. It was a really cool night, & to top it off, TACO BELL, OF COURSE. Haha. Britni slept over & the next morning, Jacob came over & we made a huge breakfast :D
I made omeletes for everyone, they made bacon in the oven, haha. & fruit salad. & it was so yummy. Even though Fernando fucking ruined everything by spraying Britni's food with Febreze /: It was still nice. Britni left, & me & Jacob watched Horton Hears A Who :D. Cutest movie. My mom thought that Rita, my hamster, was lonely so we went to PetSmart to get another hamster. It's twice Rita's size, her name is Jordan, & Rita is terrified of her. We might return it or something. Later that night, Jacob's sister & fiance had us over for dinner. It was nice. It was such a nice day, too. It was sunny & warm. It was really good.
Sunday I went to Charlotte all day with the family. I got my hair cut. & it doesn't look good curly, at all, because it's too short at the top /:
At least now I can tease it! HUHUHUH. Fgtz.

Wonderful weekend. Minus a thing or two, but it was really good.

Friday, February 6, 2009

Candyland, anyone?

Andrea & I have been making a game for our science class. I wanted to make it like Candyland, but instead, Andrea went survivorman on me. Then we made little flashcards for it, & we made one with Blogger on it ;D

I take great pictures, eh?

Thursday, February 5, 2009

I'm freaking out.

I want tomorrow to be here. There's a show at the teen center that Britni mentioned. & I reeeeeeeeeeeeeeally wanna go. Because I haven't been to one in forEVER. & I'm just so excited. & I hope Jacob wants to go, so while he's dancing, me & Britni can be screaming & enjoying how bands play & the energy all the way up front, & avoid getting hit, & having sweat drip all over us, & saklfjsl. Me so 'citedddd. Help, I'm going to vomit from happiness.

This is us:

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

The 11:11 wishes worked, Jacob.

This is me now. Except it hurts a LOT.
& I'm actually punching everyone in the face.
& this will be you whenever I see you:
besitos ;]

Monday, February 2, 2009

True love?

I believe so.
I'm obsessed.
& now Andrea's gonna go copy me. Send her hate mail.
& is this the greatest picture you've ever seen with my expert paint skills? Yes. Yes, it is.

Bucket list.

Me & Jacob... Alright. Jacob & I, are composing a list of things we wanna do together. Because we're lame, obviously. Hahaha.
^^^ Except their bucket list was actual, & it was a list of things to do before they die. I'm Morgan Freeman, of course.
We started it last night on the phone. So far on it, there's: zoo, renissance festival, paddling with feet boat (swan?), NeverShoutNever show (;D), Carowinds. & I put a frowny face crying next to that one. & the tears create a roller coaster. My one fear. Besides the dark & creepy basements. & insects. Yeah, that's it.
Well, we got off the phone & I added to it: Aquarium, picnic/cloud-spotting, star gazing in a meadow, WATCHING A ROSEANNE MARATHON; muahahahah, cook dinner, & go to a fancy restaurant.
