Tuesday, June 23, 2009

I'm at Staples,

trying out this sweet touch screen computer with the flattest, widest, most awkward keyboard, ever.
& I'm wiff my babyyyy[:

that's all.

and now IM typing bahaha
this is jacob dude

my tattoo hurts
my feelings hurt from this stupid keyboard makin me look like a FOOL

im happy :)

boopboopboopbeepboop, I'M JACOB. THIS I b8ptgji yckunh lftf ROBOTTTTTYOu89n8u0i


okay, bye<3

Saturday, June 13, 2009

& goddammit,

I hate everything D:

100th post!


Well let me just cover a few things that have happened over the past few days[:

Wednesday, Jacob graduated! & left for Florida. I miss him a lot /:
My brother came to visit that same night. He's leaving tomorrow, the same day Jacob comes home[:

So it all started Friday night. Emma, Britni, Andrea, & I went to Hickory. Met up with Shermie at the mall. We walked around, cause I wanted to know how much running shoes cost. I need some! The cheapest ones were like $80 D:
Then we went downtown, to Hickory Alive! It was alright. Walking around, we ran into Marilyn Monroe, first of all, hahaha, then Lauren, Matt, David, & Kelsey. It's always good seeing Lauren<3 I haven't seen David & Matt in a long time, & I haven't seen Kelsey even longer, so it was really good seeing them<3
Ran into a few more people. It was nice. We even danced around for the last few songs the band covered, it was pretty fun[:

After that, everyone came over to swim at midnight. Emma, Britni, Andrea, Shermie, David, & Matt. It was sweet. The guys left around 1:30, & the ladies stuck around & we ate my entire fridge. Actually, just a whole box of captain crunch & some hot dogs & fries my mom made for us :D We stayed up till 6! It was insane.

Today, we woke up & cleaned the pool & chilled. Britto & Andi had to be home, so they left. I made a sweet playlist on my iPod to listen to when we're at the pool.
A bunch of family came over to swim & have a cook out & I was wanting to tan. Britni came back & we tanned togetha for a little bit & jumped in the p00l! Played a bunch of games with everyone, it was great. She left, so I was lonely. I showered & I'm currently in bed snuggling by myself, watching Across The Universe. I wish someone were here<3

Good times.

Monday, June 8, 2009

You'll probably think we're young, naive, & stupid.

Dude, I don't care.

I love Jacob with allll my heart. & I mean it. Boy, you are on my mind constantly. You care about me, even when you're not with me, & I do the same. We get jealous over stupid fags on myspace, leaving weird comments & whatnot :p
We have our little arguments, but it's because we care so much. We're both very argumentative people, but we always get through it, no matter what. You make me extremely happy, & I, as well, couldn't imagine being with anyone else, because I also believe you're my soul mate[:
I hope we're together for such a long time, we get an award when we're old, covered with wrinkles & white hair, for being together for the longest time ever[:

You're already making decisions for our future, with the military decision, & whatnot. & I'm so grateful, for everything you've done for me. & I know you're always there for me, & would do anything for me. You're my best friend. I love you so much. I can't wait to get matching, loving, meaningful tattoos with you. I can't wait to have beautiful babies with you. I can't wait to have our UP story, or our notebook story, or our august rush story, or our p.s. I love you story. Just know, ours will be better[:


I haven't blogged in a while

Un-cool. I've just been pretty busy/lazy to get on my computer & blog, until today. & I dunno why I can't post a blog from my phone anymore. It sucks. Anyway, let me just cover a few things that's happened in the past couple of weeks: I've hung out with Jacob a lot, obv<3 My baby nephew, Adrian, has come to visit. It was nice finally spending some time with him! I got some bondage time with Amanda (baby mama), & she's not half bad. Well, compared to what my brother made her look like. It's all good. Been hanging out with a lot of family & friends. My pool is finally perfect. Andi, Brtini, Jacob, Emma, Brandon, EVEN RICO, can tell you that ;] Lots more poolage to commmme[: I've gotten a little darker, thank God. I was starting to look like a ghost :p
Went to see Up with Andi & Jacob, it was the cutest movie evarrrr!
My brother, Gabriel is coming to visit in a couple of days, Jacob's graduating & leaving for Florida in a couple of days ]:

I need to find a job!
This blog is so scattered on subjects. I suck, I know.

Oh, & I finally get my goddamn license at the end of the month! No more illegal driving, like I have been for the past almost 2 years, hahah. Woo!
& I'm naked in a towel writing thissss. Whatever. I love life[: