Thursday, February 25, 2010

I am so annoyed

this new shop manager on LA Ink to begin with. She is so cocky & she wants to take over the world. I've broken 5 nails this week. 4 at work, & one today. That's a whole hand. That's a nail per day. WHAT THE HELL. MY entire body is sore. My hips have hurt at work all day today. I jogged a mile & a half today & fast walked the other mile & a half. That makes it 3 miles in 45 minutes. I think that's the most I've walked in one working out-period. I'm so proud. I think I'm making progress. My favorite jeans that I wear everyday are looking big. I need to poke another hole in my belt next to the other one I've already poked. I'm eating way better than ever, & I'm just doing great. I can't loose too much weight, because my dress is bought. Good thing it's a corsette & I can tighten it as much as I need to. I highly doubt I'll loose that much weight in a month, but who knows. Basically, Jacob is going to the Marines. The position the Officers & himself have picked is pretty dangerous. I'm extremely scared. I don't think anyone understands. Jacob is my ideal man that I want to be with for the rest of my days. & I'm honestly serious 100% sure about that. I'm just terrified.
I think I just found a new show to watch. Police Women of Maricopa County's looking pretty good.
There are so many things going on in my head. Scool & Jacob are #1.
My family hates me, because I'm never home & I don't spend any time with anyone.
I've been seeing so many signs telling me that I need to start going to church. I'm sure there have been signs, but I haven't been paying attention. But slowly, my mind has been so crowded, it's been so clear. I have no idea what I'm saying.

Tomorrow! I am going tuxedo shopping with Jacob & his mom :D
I'm so 'cited. Probably getting my shoes too, maybe paying for the rest of my dress, whatevs, that's on my momma.
I really should spend anymore money, till my next pay check. Which the next couple should be pretty good, since they've put me for Sundays. & they never do. Whatever though.

I just saw a Military commercial. I just hope everything works out. All of my faith is in God. He has a plan for everything, he knows what he's doing, I just hope my plans & his plans are on the same path :l

I'm so tired. good night.

Friday, February 19, 2010


You have no idea. I went from like super excited, to furious, to being sorry for everything, to being super duper happy & glad, & then to feeling bad a little, & then feeling absolutely great right now:)

Today was just awesome; for the most part.
Went to school. Emma & I took Molly & Rico to Petsmart to get groomed!
Went prom dress shopping, dropped her off, made Jacob bring Fernando to Hickory to get his glasses. Jacob had "to go". Andrea & Britni & I went prom dress shopping some more!
Made a $100 down payment on my dress, which is perfect! Went Downtown Hickory to watch a movie, New Moon was playing & we all screamed & watched that. Britni & I are Team Jacob for sure. Andrea is the oddball :p
Went & dined at Applebee's. & the whole dinner was good because we just talked about life.
I'm so glad I have these girls as my best friends, & I'm glad they're just in my life in general.

Most of all, I'm glad my friends/boyfriend can stand me.
Because I would hate me if I met me, I've decided. I'm an awful bitch, & I laugh way too loud.
But I'm loved either way.
so thanks:)
you guys really make the difference.
I'm really happy<3

Wednesday, February 17, 2010


"The mountain is an ancient heraldic symbol of steadfastness."


Weird dreams

I only remember 2. I was driving & Fernando kept screaming, & I was like "noooo there's a dormant bee in the vent!" & it came out & it was the size of my fist. I think I almost threw up for real. Another one, I met Buddy from Cake Boss. I was so like "fkhsakjfhsw!!!!!!!" & I was really happy. Then Emma, Britni, & Tiffany were there. Buddy kept trying to make a big cake & Tiffany thought it was a pool & she kept trying to swim in flour & sugar or something. & I got really mad. But Buddy said it was okay & had security take her out. Sorry, Tiffany, I don't control my dreams. then Buddy & I high-fived & I watched him make a cake. I would've offered to help, but let's face it, I'm no expert cake maker.

I just can't stop watching Cake Boss!

Sunday, February 14, 2010


was so amazing.
I went to Boone with Jacob & just drove forever. The scenery was so beautiful.
It was just perfect.

Prom dress shopping yesterday was SUPERB!

Also we watched Away We Go, which was so cute. But a bunch of parts were awkward cause we watched it with my family. Last time we ever do that, srsly. One of my biggest pet peeves are when people won't shut the fuck up during movies.

Everything is great, I'm so in looooove, you have no idea dsklgfhskja.

V day!?

This is the second Valentine's day Jacob & I are spending together:)
& I still have the big ol' monkey he gave me last year, who I've slept with every night since Feb 14, 2009. I have no idea what we'll be doing today, but none of that matters, ever. I haven't had any worries since I've been with you, Jacob. You will honestly do anything for me, & you tell me every day how much you love me & how thankful you are to have me; & that you pray almost every night asking God to watch over me, & if anything bad were to happen to me, let it happen to you instead. You are the love of my life, & I'm so greatful to be by your side. No beating around the bush, we're past the boyfriend/girlfriend stage.
To many more Valentine days to come, more kissies & cuddles & hugs; to more hand-holding-tear-dropping-obnoxious-laughing-smile-filled days to come.
I love you.

"I am thinking it's a sign, that the freckles in our eyes are mirror images & when we lay they're perfectly aligned. & I have to speculate, that God himself did make us into corresponding shapes, like puzzle pieces from the clay."
the first little song you sang me<3

Friday, February 12, 2010

I can't believe!

Basically, I'm the ugly mermaid, & everyone is Flapjack. I haven't blogged in a whole week. I have so much to say, but I can't find a way to say it. I wish I could rip my feelings out & throw them off a cliff. First things first, I have lost 8 pounds! I've been on the special K diet since the beginning of January, & I weighed myself February 4th, & that's when I saw it, 8 pounds less. Can I get a hell yeah? I was supposed to weigh myself again today, but I had too much to study & do extra credit, so I just couldn't. My plan today was going to go dress shopping in Hickory with Andrea. I haven't hung out with my friends in like 2 weeks, & it depresses me. ok well not like CLINICAL DEPRESSION, it makes me sad. it makes me feel left out & not cared for. But snow ruined everything in the end. I want a big poofy dress! I'm so stressed. Everything keeps piling up on me & I can barely keep up with anything anymore. All I want to say is that I'm the most jealous, hateful person there ever was. I love life, I just wish I had more friends & to have new experiences. Not like the friends I have now are whatever, I have no idea what I'm saying. I can't wait to graduate & get away from everyone for a while. I can't do anything. I can't keep up with all of my school work, because I have to study so much to make a mediocre grade. I never see my family anymore. I'm trying to go to the gym at least 3 times during the week, but my muscles need a day to recover, so I can't go on the weekends. My schedule is just ridiculous. I'm seeing Jacob once a week, sometimes the whole weekend. I haven't seen my friends in like 2 weeks. & I don't want to be over dramatic & a baby about everything. I'm just a really sensitive person. I hate it so much. I want to let go of everything, but I want to hold on to it at the same time. Oh, what's that? I have to end the blog here, because I've embarressed myself enough with my stupid feelings, & I have to study & do work all night. Fuck everyone.

The only good thing that's happened so far, is Deana calling me today & telling me the Once Upon A Child shirts arrived, & she wanted to make sure I got a shirt before anyone:)

Now that I think about it, I really just need to stay focused on my school work, & Jacob, & my job, & me losing weight for me, & my family, & my 3 girl friends that I have anymore.

To friends: I'd like a little more effort, because I'm going through a tough time, & none of you know that, because I don't see you everyday, & we work & we're stressed & I just want to see you guys a little more often. & don't use distance as an excuse, because that's lame, we're like 10 minutes away. I need cuddle buddies, & girl time real bad.

alright, well bye. until the next depressing or extremely happy blog.
prom dress shopping tomorrow hopefully, if the roads aren't too bad.
fuck snow.