Thursday, December 24, 2009

Happy Holidays, Blogger!

Mine & Jacob's anniversary was the 19th. So was Andrea's birthday. & Rico's birthday.

Snow ruined everything. My birthday was the 20th. Jacob's birthday was the 23rd. Had dinner with some of his family. Today is Christmas Eve..

Actually today's the 29th, but I never finished this blog the 24th, because I suck. Throughout the past few days not much at all has happened. I've been with some family, & then by myself. & then with Jacob. & then with people from work. I just feel bad for not being able to celebrate mine & Andrea's birthday.

I'm going to have to finish this later, because I have to take Rico to the vet. With Jacob.

So I suck again, but this is an actual excuse. His hind leg hurts real bad & he's constantly whining. I didn't get much sleep at all last night, because I was on the floor trying to comfort him. I think Jacob's here. Bye.

Alright, seriously? Time to finish this blog. It's New Year's Eve! I'm going to welcome the new year with open arms & I hope for great things to come. I can't wait for prom & graduation. MAYBE a raise at work. Hopefully passing Anatomy 2 with a good grade. You know! Whatevs.
& then at the end of the year, getting my first tattoo [: aaaaaaaaaaand hopefully my skin isn't too stupid to not let me get any tattoos. D:

Last night, Jacob & I went to eat at Olive Garden. His first time there, my first actual real date with dinner at a nice restaurant & a movie. We went & saw "It's Complicated" we got in free of course, thank you Jacob's job. I can't stop facebooking. My allergies have gotten worse. I really would like my sentences to flow about the same subject, but I just can't do anything. My car got fixed, because one day, when I was U-turning to go to Hickory, it stopped in the middle of the road. It sucked. In case you guys were wondering. But it's all good now. I want to watch Tim & Eric on adultswim, because I want to laugh. I bought lasagna to make in the oven for tonight. It's goona be great. I can never stop sneezing, so don't even ask. My phone just shut off randomly. My cousins are here, & they left to go buy something. My little cousin mentioned it's something to do with a Demon brought in by a package sent to my parents from my evil aunt. Everyone is so dumb. I can't wait for my ring to be sized & be on my finger already. I can't wait to show everyone. I got my hair a little layered & tiny bit of bangs. Yaros says I have a perm. It looks okay when I straighten. & I got it super thinned, so it's so much easier & faster to straighten. I wish everyone would grow up & not underage drink because it's so awesome. & I wish they would stop being stupid fucking faggots & post awesome pictures of them drinking straight from the bottle. Once again, I hate everyone. My dad said he was going to buy me nutrisystem to lose weight, because I really need to. I really want to lose 50-60 pounds, which puts me at 150-140. Great, you guessed my current weight. *gold star for you!* Anyway. I miss having friends. I can't wait till people get back from stupid florida & stupid texas. (lololol that one spongebob episode when sandy got rly mad, that's totally britni) haha. Alright, well I'm going to watch some tim & eric. bye.

& happy new years!

Saturday, December 19, 2009

Sorry, Blogger.

Sorry that I haven't blogged in a while. Not much has happened since I've last blogged. Just a lot of work, & studying. All that studying to end up with a D in anatomy anyway. Today, it's Andrea's birthday, & I feel bad because all the roads are dangerously covered in snow, & there's just no way. Good thing I gave her her present ahead of time. Today is also Rico's birthday, because in February, when we got him, Jacob & I had just made it to the 2nd month marker, the 19th, in which Rico was 2 months old anyway. So he became our puppy. & speaking of Jacob, we're one year today. It seems like a lot, but I know it's only one of many. I was supposed to work today, but again, snow ruins everything. Jacob still had to go :l but later tonight we're going to go out to dinner to Olive Garden. I can't wait. I received at $25 gift card from work to go eat there. That happened at the Christmas party from work at pizza hut. It was so fun. There was a gift exchange, & dirty Santa. I swear, everyone was after my presents. Anyway, Lauren & I are talking again. I don't know why we ever stopped, but I think it was that little episode of nothing drama. Speaking of friends, I feel like I don't have any anymore. & it sucks a little bit.

I'm addicted to Facebook, bye!
oh, & tomorrow is my birthday.
& I can't wait for Christmasssss.
Because my brothers are coming dowwwn.
& I'm getting an iPhoneeee :D

Friday, December 4, 2009

my hair

USED TO BE SO LONG!waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa


Thursday, December 3, 2009

I've got it.

new tattoo idea, dood.
so we've been studying the brain in anatomy, & it's been super interesting. I even dissected sheep brain, as I mentioned earlier. It's just cool. Anyway. So there's this part in the cerebellum, called the arbor vitae. & you can only see it split open. The whole cerebellum looks like balls, literally. It really looks like a ball sack. Anyway. So it's the part of the brain that controls balance & coordination. So when I was looking it up on google images, I found this:

it is the prettiest picture. Anyway arbor vitae literally means "tree of life." But also, it had a little story underneath about the garden of eden & whatever. But I liked that it said "It requires wisdom to ensure balance of our action with our intentions." Now, I've messed up a lot. & I think I could really use this as a reminder to just keep equilibrium with myself. & by doing that, I can obviously balance things with everyone around me. Which is good.
