Monday, March 29, 2010

Prom was interesting.

It wasn't as good as last year (the actual prom). But everything else was a thousand times better. Dinner was yummy, the limo didn't break down like Jacob's car last year haha. & I had all my girls with me, looking like princess' & our fine dates to match us :D

Regardless of how everything went, I'm glad to have been there & enjoyed everything:)
I apologized to everyone because on 5 hours of sleep from the night before, & freezing in a car on Blue-Ridge Parkway for hours with creepy people smoking pot in their car/creepy noises the wind made, I was not the happiest camper. & I got sick from all the cold air, too. But it's all good.
Oh yeah, not to mention I got 4 hours of sleep after prom at home, & I had to wake up & immediately rush to Barnes & Nobles to study for a test with my study group. & then go home, do extra credit & be with Jacob, & then to stay up till midnight watching 'Fatal Attractions' on Animal Planet (SUPER interesting) & wake up at 6 to cram before a test a 7:30. Kill. Me. Right?
I think I enjoyed the whole princess prom experience, & my bank account has litterally $0 in it. Why me. I'm glad I get payed this week, but seriously, until then, I don't even have money to put gas in my car. So... I'm awesome.

Just kill meeee.
Also, I love my nails, & I think I'm gonna start 'doing them' more often. I just like french tips. Oh, & all natural nail of course-o.
I'm so creepy. No. Actually everyone else is creepy.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

free credit report.

I don't know why, but all those commercial songs have been playing in my head for the past 20 minutes.
I'm feeling pretty good right now. Jacob left a little bit ago, & I miss him. I'm working on being nicer & more respectful. God knows I'm not, to anyone. & that really has to change. So it started today.
I made cookies & they were so fucking great. I haven't jogged since Friday. & that needs to change tomorrow! I so badly want to go on a picnic. Cute summer dressed with my girls... & our dogs, yeah? :D
that would be so cute. I would obviously bring Molly so Rico doesn't devour the rest of the tiny dogs. I dunno though; Molly's pretty mean.
Anyway. Prom is this weekend & I couldn't be more excited. I got my jewelry & it looks so cute & matches my dress perfectly. I still need to get those darn shoes. & when I went Friday, the straps were too loose! So she's fixing that. Hopefully, when I go again Thursday, everything's ready. If not, I'm going to pitch a fucking fit & have to find shoes last minute. I do love the lady that runs the shop though, so I don't think I could throw a fit in the store.

I need to stop blogging & do some laundry!
& make reservations at Wild Wok!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

I'm still sick

I've been sick for like the past week. & it's not like deathly sick, obv, cause I'm still doing the same shit I always do. Yesterday, I made Molly jog 2 miles with me. Haha, I think I almost killed her. Which is no laughing matter! I'm jogging at least 2 miles everyday, which is nice knowing that I'm not a couch potato & I'm being healthy. Also, I started back on my Special K diet. I was off of it for like a week straight, & I feel awful. I think I gained all that weight back :l
Seriously, I'm gonna be so strict on my diet & exercise from now on.
I had a dream last night that I was punching this creepy guy over & over again in the face. Maybe it was that creepy guy outside of Lauren's house. I really need to stop being a bitch. It's not so much that I AM a bitch it's that I've been in pissed off moods lately. Not so much when I'm in a large group, but when I'm alone or with one person. I don't know what's wrong with me.
I really need to work on this paper about Divorce. I think it's due Monday & I basically don't have anything.
Tomorrow, Jacob & I are gonna go sign the contract for the limo for prom. I'm pretty excited. & then my brother comes to visit & it's just nice :) Getting my shoes & jewlery Friday! Also, the corsage & bootineerssssssss hopefully. Prom is next weekend. There's no time for anything. Everyone has to have their shit all ready to go by this weekend.

I want to be an animal cop!

Sunday, March 14, 2010


I'm so excited for prom.I'm pretty stressed. I'm going to pick up my coach purse from the postal service tomorrow. I need to exercise. I need to eat healthier & lose some dame weight. & that is totally my goal for this summer. My brother & his girlfriend are coming to visit for the weekend. I'm excited, cause she's getting ready to graduate & have her bachelor's as an RN & I can ask her questions & all that stuff. I just made a check list for prom, & I only have like 2 things crossed off from 11 D: Gonna make a CD for the liiiimooooooo :D Emma & I came up with the best plan, & you guys won't know it till March 27th. I'm so stoked, I hope everything works out. Basically, all I can talk about is prom.
The other night, I went out with a few girls from my anatomy group. & we actually didn't study our brains till they exploded. We had dinner at Fatz, & went & saw Alice In Wonderland, which was OK, it wasn't the worst movie ever, but it really wasn't what I expected. I kinda like how they put their own touch to the story, but it was all very confusing. Anyway, I'm no film director.
I need to work on my attitude, BIG TIME. I just need to be respectful, & I'm really not, to anyone, especially to the people that I need to be most. I hope they forgive me & I'm really trying to get better at it.
After prom, my focus needs to be all on school. I need to do well. I'm already going to be missing 3 days for sure, because the college is fucking STUPID for splitting up spring break.
This summer should be pretty kick ass. Graduating, working, beach, with my girls, with my boyfriend. OH BUT ANATOMY RUINS IT! Sort of. I really like anatomy. I hope I can get at least a B this time around. & I'm pretty confident that I will, because my teacher I get this time, isn't a complete dumb fuck.

I can never do anything! I have a paper to write, I have no idea when it's due, I need a rough draft for tomorrow, buuuut I have no idea. Whatever. Bye.

Friday, March 5, 2010

10 days


Let's start off with the most recent, because I don't remember anything else. Yesterday, I was randomly crossed off the schedule for work, but I'm so glad. I had only one class, which ended at 10, in which I went to the library to read & wait on Brittany. It was a Brittany day. We went to drop off her little car to get fixed, & walk around the little pet store downtown granite:)
I dropped her off for one more class, then to pick her up to go jogging! We went to the walking park in Lenoir (where we'll go to take prom pictures!) & walked/jogged 6 laps= 2.60 miles. Sprinting the last little bit was an awful idea. My knees are dying. We then went to Rue 21, because I basically live there, but only when I'm with Brittany. After looking through underwear piles, I bought an anklet & sunglasses:)
Made her get dressed in the car twice, then dropped her off at art.
I went to Hildebran & paid the rest of my dress off & brought it home! When I took it home, it seriously took up the whole back seat. I met Jacob at the movies & we watched The Crazies. I'm such a big pussy. My eyes were covered whenever there was scary music on. But it was good.
Today! Friday, my knees are still dead, they're starting to feel better though. Hung out with Jacob & we're both looking gooood! I WOULD LIKE TO SAY JUST ONE THING. I DUG OUT OLD SHORTS FROM ABOUT TWO YEARS AGO, WHEN I WAS SIZE 11 IN PANTS, & THEY FUCKING FIT! A teeny bit tight, but they fit! I'm so excited. I think that if I jog everyday & eat OK, I'll be fine & look the way I want to. I want to live in summer dresses & Bermuda shorts this Summer.

I'm really excited for prom. It's only a few weeks away! Limoooo, friendsss, princess!

I'm still sort of on my Speacial K diet, as I have been for the past two months, but I've been on & off the past few days. Starting Monday though, with proper exercise everyday, I'm hoping to slim a little quicker.

The only channels I can ever watch is TLC & Animal Planet.

I'm pretty happy with this past paycheck, in which I'm ordering a Coach purse, my very first.
Usually, these purses run anywhere from $500-800. Absolutely ridiculous. But Deanna discovered this site that ships directly from China, & well, I can't wait. $50, amazing.

All I want to do it buy a couple's necklace. Like, cute necklaces for me & Jacob. Like puzzle pieces that fit together or a boy & a girl. I just think that's so cute.

Today, my Anatomy study group couldn't stop looking at vaginas in the book & talking about hermaphrodites.

I'm getting assignments done tonight, so surprise, I'm home all Friday night.
I need to get my eyebrows done! I need to look for shoes for my dress, & jewelery & look at hair styles & all that junk.
