Wednesday, December 31, 2008

You know what,

another blog, like ten minutes after I wrote that other one. I felt like it wasn't enough, & I don't wanna add to that one, because I feel like this one deserves its own. Alright. I'm gonna list the good & the bad of 2008. Hahahahahahahahahhaa.

being single forever, talking to so many pointless boys, wasting my friendship on people who don't deserve it, being way too nice, listening to music because they were cool at the time, listening to bad advice, ''drugs'', being prohibited of going to shows, the entire month of August, losing my best friend, having meaningless sex, the stupid FUCKING SCENE, losing my parents' trust, stupid people, feeling like shit, wasting my thoughts & words on the stupidest things, & assholes. Just plain ASSHOLES.
Ladies & gentlemen, a big FUCK YOU to that whole list.

making new friends-TRUE friends, the only boy worth it-Jacob, remaining best friends through every&anything-Lauren Hall, having good times, this trip to Peru, living life, & not giving a FUCK.
I love my mentality this year. With everything. Or maybe I've stopped caring TOO much.
Either way, I'll find the right spot this year.

Alright. & my resolutions aren't too much or hard to do:
- losing weight.
- staying happy.
- remain not giving a fuck.
- keep the great friends, dispose of the rest.
- make new, worthy friends, as well.
- GETTING MY FUCKING CAR & license in the summer! :D
- keep a good job & get C4$h m0n3y.
- fall in love.
- having good times<3

ok, good bye ´08.

WAH! I haven't blogged in forever ):

I'm so sorry, blogger. Hahahaha. I've just been busy. I've been in Peru since the 22nd. & something cool happened the 19th. BESIDES Andrea's birthday, haha. My relationship status has finally changed. I've been single since Christmas last year. ALMOST an entire year. Until the cutest boy, ahem, Jacob, & I started dating. & I'm extremely happyyyypypypypy. Anyway. I'm in Peru & I'm blogging. How cool am I? Tee hee. Tonight at midnight comes the new year. & I'm SO READY for 2009. A new year, a fresh start. Another year of life. True, it's just another day, but still. It's exciting. Beach house, friends, cousins, NO PARENTS, alcohol, & fireworks. Bring it the hell ON! Haha. Happy new year, everyone. I hope it's great. & that it's better than the last one.

& I miss everyone back at home.
Don't think I don't ;]

& even more of a party when I get home, because no parents for a week.
This is by far my favorite trip. & I'm gay.

Thursday, December 11, 2008

Christmas is a fraud!

I had this argument with my mom yesterday. Jesus' birthday was NOT December 25th. I hope you know. It was sometime in April or May, I forgot. Anyway. So why the hell do we even have Christmas? Why don't we have cake & balloons on his actual birthday? I mean, shit, at least, right? The focus on 'Christmas' is obsession over decoration & SANTA CLAUS. Supposedly this is the time to be with family & remember his death & resurrection. But it just lures away from that, completely. Well, some families really do just get together & blah, blah, blah. But most are just... GAY. I dunno. I guess it's just what I've really come to think of this whole holiday. I think decorations are ridiculous. It MAY bring 'xmas spirit', but then it makes you view the whole thing as a joke. I guess I'm just fjfgksweiuy!^* I used to be the most sensitive person ever. Lately, I'm just so insensitive about EVERYTHING. I'm lame. Ignore me. I guess I shouldn't post my personal opinions on here. I don't want to argue with anyone. & you can't change my mind. So don't even try it. Bye.

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Apparently, I'm not alive.

According to my mom. Because I don't have 'Christmas spirit'. She's been begging me to help her put up the tree & decorations, truth is, I hate decorating. Especially for Christmas. It's the most annoying thing ever. Everyone gets so obssesed with it. So, finally, I guess the family decided to put the tree up. & I just sat on the couch & watched them. & my mom's like "c'mon, Renata! Get in the Christmas mood & help!" & I was like 'shut up, fagot, I'll cut you'. Just kidding. But I just said I didn't really care for any of this & that's when my mom said 'if you don't have Christmas spirit, then you're not living'. Cool, I guess. & then, my dad forced me to download stupid Christmas music, that some stupid little group of kids in Peru sing. & he had the slightest THOUGHT that all of that sheeeiiit was going on MY iPod. Ha! Ha, I say! Actually I'm really gay. I'll go lay in some hay. Won't you stay? Come sway. I think I may. That was gay. Ok, I'm trying not to rhyme anymore. Hahaha. Anyway. AH! The ending 'ay' needs to go aw...ay. Dammit. I'm done. Bye.


I want to be themmm<3

Monday, December 8, 2008

Friday night

Yes, my usual Monday blog about what happend over the weekend! Tee hee<3

I forced everyone to listen to me play, terribly, 'Jesus in the Southern Sky' on guitar. Poor Britni. She had to record it on Andrea's camera. & poor Emma had to sit there & listen while we played & played for a billion hours straight. My poor fingers were purple by the time we were done. Apparently, everything is poor in this blog, haha. We destroyed that song, because my low e string was loose & it sounded terrible. I was sick, so my singing part was bad. We missed some parts of the song, & I messed up a couple of times, & I make stupid faces when I play, & I do a lot of stupid things. I'm just stupid, haha. &! I know you wanna see it, so here it issss!
Have a good chuckle, & then look at the original video posted below it. Greatest thing ever, I think everyone should be obsessed with it ;] <---- ours <---- epic

Thursday, December 4, 2008

I hate everyone

I hate everyone who thinks we have to be the most fucking mature adults, ever, by the time we're 14 & we're in the 9th grade. Fuck you. I have a life time ahead of me, to grow up. I REFUSE to have to force myself to fit anyone else's standards of living my life. I'm 15. I'm in the 11th grade. If I die tomorrow or in 30 years, I want to live my life the way I fucking want to live it. I'm sick of everyone trying to keep me down or forcing me to strive 'greater'. It's not great for me. It just makes me hate you. All of my teachers, "friends", anyone, who does this to me, don't expect me to be nice, any longer. I'm way too nice to people who don't deserve it. I'm done with all of you. This is all shit. If you don't like me or the way I wanna do me, then leave me the fuck alone. I don't need you & your shit, especially. Holy, fuck.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I wish I lived in a different era

The 60s/70s/&80s. I wish I were born in like 1951 or something. So I could be the most war-protesting, peaceful, animal/human rights protestor, LSD-doing, pot smoking person, ever. Those were the days. To live free & be young & as crazy as you can. I really would've loved all of that. The government is shit, as it has always been. Drugs were definitely more hardcore back then, & no one really cared. It was all about having good times. There wasn't as much violence either. Like, publically. I would've loved living on the road with a bunch of friends, protesting about things we really believed in & trying to set things right in the world<3 & Woodstock? 3 days of peace & music, you know me!

Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving weekend

was pretty advernterous. I went to Rhode Island to see family. Wednesday afternoon me & madre began our journey of driving for 13 hours. Along with my little brother & grandma. Which, by the way, I'm never taking a road trip with them ever again. Because they have to pee every 5 seconds & talk about the most random things. So, I pretty much drove like, 10 hours straight & only stopped to put gas in. I'm definitely road trip material. My mom wanted to stop like, every 20 minutes to sleep or eat, but I just kept going. Doing 90 on all the highways? You know me! & my permit! bahahah. Anyway. We stopped in PA, I think; at like, midnight to pee. At an AppleBee's. I almost died, because I think every cute guy & their friends decided to be there. & I looked like a monster, because I hadn't taken a break from driving & I was just a mess. Thank God they were leaving though. I really do have the worst luck in the world with unexpected tooties. So anyway. We got to my brother's house on Thanksgiving day in Providence at like 4 am, thanks to me. That day, I swear I had never seen so much food. I think I ate like, at 4 different houses. I'm ridiculous, rofl. I loved seeing my brother's & my little nephew--adorable. I also went to visit my sick great aunt. It's so sad to know that she's dying. It really does break my heart that we can't do that much more for her. Sigh. It was so good seeing family, even though I'll be seeing them all again in like, 2 weeks, because they're coming down for my grandmother's birthday on the 14th. She'll be 88. Anyway, that Friday, I went to an old best friend's house. Stephen Tartaglia. We had been best friends all through middle school & it was such an intense feeling seeing him, because I hadn't in almost 3 years. Although we might've grown apart some, it wasn't awkward at all. Then a few more friends came over & everyone looked so different. I met 2 people that day. I had talked to them a lot over MySpace & finally met. It was cool. Not as awkward as I expected, teehee. There are few more friends I would've liked to see, but I didn't keep in touch or stupid stuff got in the way, blah, blah, blah. Thennnn Saturday I hung out with my cousin. It's weird with him, because he's such a stoner & there's hardly any conversation anymore, besides dro. But I still love him. Hahah. This weekend was super fun. There's a few things I left out though. For the sake of my teachers or family reading this, muahah. I drove home last night. Traffic was absolutely insane. It was raining like, the whole time & there were so many accidents. Not to mention people can't drive, so they slowed traffic down even more. I'm so exhausted. & I'm quite sick. I saw snow, though! For the first time in a few years. As soon as we left Rhode Island, I think we were in CT or NY & it started to snow. I caught some on my tongue when we stopped to put gas in. I miss that. & the BEACH. I haven't been to the beach since I've moved here. Well, I have in Cancun, but those were on trips. Still. &! When I go to Peru for 2 weeks, I'll be at a beach house, because the climates are reversed. So, in December it'll be summer. Yum! Anyway. I enjoyed this Thanksgiving. Tell me about yours<3