Wednesday, May 19, 2010

I hate how

I don't blog regularly. Nothing that interesting has happened, but I'll start from when I can remember. Ahem. Jacob is officially a Marine today. I'm so proud that he's made it this far. I'm also terrified that he's gonna pick an extreme 'macho man' job & get himself killed. I graduate in 2 days, & I need to write my speech tomorrow morning, early, bring it to Mr. Beane to be approved, & do a million other things. I'm always out of money, surprise. You shut up, Lauren, haha. I went to the optometrist today, WHERE THEY BLINDED ME! Seriously, they made my pupils dilate for like 2 hours straight, it was awful. I'm getting glasses; I've been wearing Jacob's glasses for like the past week & everyone made fun of me, whatever. I'm so gay. I'm gay for missing Jacob, even though I saw him today, but it was only for like 10 minutes. Errgh. I'm stupid for running today, when I didn't use my inhaler before hand, which is what I'm supposed to do. I almost passed out because my chest tightened up so much. I think the tumor in my right breast is getting bigger, I hope it's nothing serious. Saturday, the journey begins. The journey begins as a high school graduate. The journey begins as an adult (sort of). The journey begins with my best friends on a sweet mini vacation to Fontana, & I'm so excited. I seriously need to register for my FAFSA. FUCK. I want to zumba with Lauren. I can't wait for Hickory Alive to start. I always say that, & when it finally gets here, I hate every second of it. It reminds me of the person I used to be, & I miss it & I'm disgusted with it at the same time. My eye doctor told me my eyes were shaped like little footballs. What the hell is that? I need sleep. I need a shower. I need to be with my boyfriend. OH, ALSO, EVERYONE I WORK WITH, MY "WORK FAMILY" HATES ME BECAUSE THEY CAN'T COME TO MY GRADUATION. Nah, I like the people I work with. I hate it when I'm closing with all the managers/in training, because I always have to do everything. I'm so sick of complaining. I'm so sick of complaining, that I'm complaining about complaining, never ending. Whatever. This blog is so drawn out, I'm going to stop.
Until next time, blogger.


Lauren said...

tell me about it

Lauren said...

tell me about it